Ensemble Cymru welcomes the proposed inquiry by the Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee into music education.


In 2015, 6.4% (2014: 8%) 7-18 year olds in Wales attended one classical music performance or more compared with over 50% attending play. Children’s Omnibus 2015 – Arts Council of Wales http://www.arts.wales/what-we-do/research/annual-surveys/childrens-omnibus-survey

Experiencing live performances of music by ensembles and performers of the highest quality are an integral part of a child’s or young person’s musical education. They inspire children and young people to take up instruments, to sing, to compose and to become supporters and audiences of music in the future.

The Committee should consider taking evidence on

     i.        the impact of live performances of the highest quality on a child’s or young person’s musical education

   ii.        the potential for Wales’ professional performing groups to contribute to children’s education

  iii.        What opportunities are there for young people and children to experience performances of music by performers and ensembles of the highest quality in all parts of Wales.


Young people and children need access to high quality musicians in their area to support the development of their talent(s) and their musical literacy in the broadest sense.

The Committee should consider taking evidence on

     i.        Professional opportunities to retain and attract high quality musicians in Wales and in particular rural Wales.

   ii.        The professional development opportunities available to musicians working to advance the music education for the broadest base of young people and children;

I would be happy to support and be of service to the committee in the course of the inquiry as the committee sees fit.